WalkSafe Online Teacher Training

1. Training

The WalkSafe Curriculum teaches pedestrian safety concepts to K-5th grade students, including

  • Always cross at designated crosswalks or intersections.
  • Always stop at the edge of the street or at the curb before crossing.
  • Follow street signals when present.
  • Before crossing, always look left, then right, then left again for moving traffic before stepping into any crosswalk.

The curriculum has been adapted to include three age appropriate versions (K-1, 2-3, and 4-5), and a supplemental Virtual Education module for parents and youths is available here on our site, containing further information about the need for safe streets.

We ask all teachers to please review the following program overview video each year before teaching the curriculum:

2. Training Quiz

After you have watched the training video, please complete the quiz below.

3. Curriculum Implementation

WalkSafe Curriculum Implementation

We recommend that schools implement the curriculum so that Day 3 coincides with Walk to School Day, a celebration of neighborhood and school walkability.

The date for Walk to School Day is set by the National Center for Safe Routes to School. All upcoming dates are published on their website.

Be sure to register your Walk to School Day Event at www.walkbiketoschool.org.

4. Art Contest

The WalkSafe Art Contest offers schools throughout Florida the opportunity to showcase the creative talents of their students, as an extension of the Day 3 art activities.

5. Curriculum Completion Form

When your school has completed the WalkSafe curriculum:

WalkSafe uses a Curriculum Completion Form (CCF) to keep track of our program's reach. The form notifies us when your entire school has completed the 3-day WalkSafe curriculum.

This form is a requirement for all schools participating in the curriculum and only ONE CCF should be submitted per school. Please check with your colleagues to ensure that only one survey is submitted by your school and that it contains complete information for all grades and all days of the curriculum.

This form can be accessed at the link below or on our curriculum materials page.