Who we are:

WalkSafe is a program from the University of Miami KiDZ Neuroscience Center, which is a part of the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis. Our program is dedicated to prevention of brain and spinal cord injuries in children and adolescents. WalkSafe's missions are to prevent pediatric pedestrian-hit-by-car (PHBC) accidents through education, promote physical activity, and advocate for safer walking environments.
By providing our interactive three-day curriculum within school settings – in addition to working with communities, government, and traffic safety partners, WalkSafe is able to take a holistic approach to injury prevention, using the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) 6E Model.

We're listening to your community. Safe places aren't just achieved through infrastructure or education, they're achieved by listening to the needs and concerns of the community. We're here to hear you.

The ability for a child to walk safely to school is part of a much larger discussion about mobility equity. For safe walking to exist for people of all ages, abilities, backgrounds, and ethnicities; cities must provide underprivileged communities with equal access to safe facilities. This includes sidewalks, safe and short crosswalks, pedestrian leading intervals, and reliable transit connections.

WalkSafe facilitates the assessment of school walkability and pedestrian-hit-by-car (PHBC) crash data, and advocates for engineering improvements to promote safety. WalkSafe also serves a community liaison by sitting on the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee of Miami-Dade County's Metropolitan Planning Organization and regularly attends School Board and regional Community Traffic Safety Team (CTST) meetings.
These detailed reports and important community suggestions are presented on a monthly basis at the Community Traffic Safety Team meetings in Miami-Dade County.

WalkSafe encourages students, teachers and the community to join our efforts and create healthy environments for our children. From community outreaches to Walk to School Day – WalkSafe is here to encourage you and your efforts to encourage healthy, active transportation.

WalkSafe provides online training and educational curriculum to prepare elementary and K-8 teachers to implement the curriculum. These training tools allow WalkSafe’s important pedestrian safety lessons to spread into the community.

WalkSafe uses a variety of tools that collect information on curriculum implementation, walking and biking trends (including student modes of transportation), crash data, and parent attitudes on walking and biking. WalkSafe routinely collaborates with community partners to monitor the data and tailor efforts to meet the evolving needs of the community.